Wednesday 17 August 2016

Brunei Trip

 FINALLY, the hiccups of updating the blog are cleared >.<

I believe the Brunei trip is an eye-opener for many of the pupils. It was a first time for a number of pupils to fly in a plane, to leave the country and for many, a first time experience to taste grubs ;)

Group photo before we leave for Brunei.

The opposite side of the group photo captures proud or may be anxious parents leaving the pupils in the good hands of the teachers ;)
Having a go at wrapping glutinous rice. The more interesting part for our pupils was eating the fruit of their labour.

One of the greatest highlight of the whole trip - visiting the sago factory.
Watching how grubs in sago trees are harvested and having a factory worker demonstrating the eating of a live grub.

The look of disbelief and awe on our pupils' faces!

We must have hurt the feelings of the grubs when we squirmed at the sight of them ;)
Such juicy, fat, energetic wriggling grubs.

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