Sunday 14 August 2016

Answer Key for Science CA2 Practice Papers (remaining questions)

Dear 5A

We were unable to go through two questions in class. You should have 2 sets of practice papers with you. Please revise. :)

Please refer to the answers below. Let me know if you are unsure of any parts on Wednesday morning before assembly.

Concept: Making an electromagnet
The iron bar became demagnetized / loses its magnetism as the circuit was not closed when the ball was at point B.
Concept: Magnetic materials
Iron / Steel / Cobalt / Nickel
(Any one of the above)
Concept: Heat conduction
Heat from the hot water travelled faster through the Rod A than Rod B. [½m] So, the wax at the end of the Rod A gained heat faster and melted first, followed by the wax at the end of Rod B. [½m]
Answer must show the source of heat and the comparison between Rod A and B.
Concept: Experiment & Fair Test
-          Size of the wax / Amount of wax

Concept: Heat conduction
Rod A is a better conductor of heat than Rod B.
Rod A conduct heat faster than Rod B

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