Wednesday 17 February 2016

Companion Booklet Unit 1 Composition on 'Fear'

Dear pupils,

You have learnt how to vary the structure of a narrative by using different ways to begin a narrative. All of us have learnt to begin a narrative by introducing a setting and main characters in Lower Primary. In Composition 1, attempt to use a different sentence starter. You may begin with either one of the following:

  • Flashback
  • Coda
  • Complication
  • Resolution
Before you start writing, refer to Handout 1 on the use of rhetorical devices. This handout is given together with the Composition question. I have identified 3 strategies namely,

1. Putting life into the character
- Using dialogues
- Including inner thoughts

2. Sound effects
-A scream
-A cry for help
-Someone sobbing
-A loud thud or smashing sound

3. Use of alternatives to She/he said
- "Do not worry! You can do it," she encouraged.
- "Do not worry! You can do it," she assured us with a smile.
- "Do not worry! You can do it," she cheered loudly.

4. Use of alternative to She/he cried.

5. Expressions of fear, happiness, relief

I am looking forward to the first piece of writing from you next Monday.

Additional links:

Mrs Goh

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