Tuesday 3 May 2016

What a day!

            What an exciting day it was- Sports Day! I did not imagine myself to be so caught up by the excitement of it. But, 5A, you should give yourselves a pat on the shoulder. Good job,everyone, for the wonderful demonstration of team spirit!
            I'm most proud that you have worked together on your own initiative to come up with posters, shakers, pom-pom and even found time to practise the cheers! Clap, clap, clap :))
            When some of you came back looking slightly dejected at not winning your event, my heart went out to you. How sweet of you to want to do the class proud. Well, you did! By representing the class in each event, ALL of YOU are winners because no one gave up!
           That said, the day was made sweeter by the fact that we are the LEVEL CHAMPION! Hurray!
           Credit must go to Mr Fawwaz for training you all and strategically putting you in the various events! 
           It was definitely heartening to witness the camaraderie among you, the encouragement when your team mates felt low in spirit, and the generous and sincere appreciation of team mates who won the races!
           2016 Sports Day was certainly a memorable one for us all :))

Look what we have prepared to cheer 5A.

Smile and pose, everyone; we've got the cheers to rock the stadium!
Cheering is not just for the girls; we've got boy power too!
Yes! Our youngest supporter - Jeslyn's brother :)
Our supporters come in all shapes and sizes, and colours too ;)
Congratulations, Champs!

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