Friday 11 March 2016

Science - Unit of Life and March Holiday Homework

Dear 5A

I am pleased to see the effort shown by all of you today. Clearly, one must know exactly what the group members did in order to present the model well.

Through this activity, I hope all of you have a clearer idea on the various part of a plant cell. The material you used in making the model can be related to the function or characteristics of the plant cell. For example, a rigid material tend to be chosen for the cell wall to protect the cell and give it its shape. Green materials were used to represent the chloroplast since chlorophyll appears green. One group even use water to represent cytoplasm.

Meanwhile, do remember the holiday homework below
1. Draw 5 other types of cells that are not shown so far in the Nature Study Book.
2. Compare an animal cell and a plant cell using a table in the Nature Study Book.
3. Complete the 30 MCQ as self revision.
4. Read up the activity book on microscope

We will continue with this in Term 2 week 1. Do remember to bring your Activity Books and leave it in school when you are back.

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